Bodies of Pleasure
collaborative practice
Bodies of Pleasure is a platform which offers artists a space to explore sexuality and sexpositive practices in a performance context. It has been convened and is facilitated by choreographer / curator Jarkko Partanen and the artists involved are Julius Elo, Jan Loukas, Camilla Rantanen, Kauri Sorvari and Olga Spyropoulou.
Museum of Impossible Forms
October 2022
durational, participatory performance in collaboration with Julius Elo
Have you ever fantasized of surrendering?
Submission is a participatory, one-on-one performance on power exchange. In the performance, you will receive permission to let go of control and experience pleasure in playing out your fantasy of obeying, giving service, getting rewarded or punished.
The performance includes an interview and a one-hour training session. Each experience is customized to each participant depending on their interests, wishes and limits.
Spell it out for me Please!
participatory performance
Do words arouse you?
Spell it out for me, please! is a participatory performance in the form of a board-and-tile word game. Each game engages two players at a time and lasts for half an hour. During the game, the players take turns expressing their desires by placing words on the board. Each time a word is placed, the points of that word are counted and announced. At the same time, a detailed suggestion of an action containing that word is made. Then each player decides: will they get the points or will they get off?
image credit: Jarkko Partanen